Yves Bérubé, CSMA

Yves Bérubé, CSMA, IFA, was born May 19, 1962 in St-Godefroy, Québec. He now lives in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, where he has the Marine Art Gallery of the Atlantic. A self-taught painter, he works in the mediums of oil, watercolour, acrylic, ink and wash. He is a member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists and the Institute of Figurative Arts.
Bérubé, who has worked on ships, as did his father and grandfather before him, is intimately familiar with the sea and its many changing moods. Since the time of his youth, he has learned to relate to and respect it. His passion for the ocean and the ships that work it has brought him international commissions and a professional career as a painter since 1993.
His paintings now appear in film documentaries and on book covers and are displayed in numerous museums and international collections. Bérubé's reputation is based on his passion for physical and historical accuracy and can be seen in all his paintings. Through the realism of his paintings, he strives to share and preserve the memory of this heritage. This painstaking attention to detail has not gone unnoticed as the number of collectors of his work is ever increasing. He has done a number of commissions for the Royal Canadian Mint and the last one in 2021 was the new Bluenose on the dime.
New: slide show of Yves Bérubé's work currently in the galleries at The Victory.
Museums: Angus Walters Bluenose Museum, Lunenburg; Archives and Collections Society, Ontario; Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg; L'Heritage Canadien du Quebec, Montreal; Musée Maritime du Quebec (JF Bernier), l'Islet sur Mer; Musée Maritime de Charlevoix, Quebec; Musée Pointe-au-Père; Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax;
Corporate and Public: Association des Armateurs du St-Laurent, Bell Freight Inc, Canada Seafood Ltd, Deep Sea Trawlers Lunenburg, Department of National Defense, Dumarin Inc, Groupe Océan Inc, Institut Maritime du Quebec, Interlines Shipping Canada Ltd, Loto-Quebec, Magazine Maritime, McAllister Towing and Salvage New York, Mediterranean Shipping Ltd, Peches et Oceans Canada, Port of New York and New Jersey Authority New York, Thien and Heyenga Shipping Co Germany, Transport Canada, Trois-Rivieres Remorqueurs Ltée, Unisys Halifax, Wagenborg Shipping Co Denmark, Zim-America-Israel Shipping Co.

- With the works of the late Jack Grey, Dec 2002, HMS Calypso Art Gallery, Lunenburg, NS
- Titanic Historical Society, Chateau Forontenac, Quebec, 1998 (group)
- Kent Centennial, Ottawa, 2001, (solo)
- HMS Calypso Art Gallery, 2000, (solo)
- Titanic Historical Society, HMS Queen Elizabeth II, 1999 (solo)
- Expo Nautique, Stade Olympique, 1996, (solo)
- Expo Nautique, Stade Olympique, 1995, (solo)
- Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, 1995, (solo)
Historia, History Channel, Ships of Canada's Marine Service, The Chronicle-Herald, Radio Canada, TVA, Journal de Quebec, CKAC, Quebec Yachting, L'escale Maritime (multiple), Magazine Maritime (multiple), etc