Ken Deeley, CSMA

Mr Deeley was born in Birmingham, England, becoming a Canadian in the 1950's. He attended the Central Technical School of Art in late 1950's, Ontario Collage of Art in early l960's and became an illustrator, and marine watercolourist. His One Man shows include the Ontario Society of Architects, Toronto, Watercolour Show Joan Peterson Gallery, Boston and the Lowndes Lodge Gallery, London. He has exhibited in numerous other shows and venues including The Royal Canadian Yacht Club, the 20th Annual Newport Outdoor Art Festival, the National Watercolor Society, the New York Central Valley Show, the Toronto Historical Board Maritime Art Show, the Heritage Night at the R.C.Y.C. His works are in public galleries, corporate and private collections in Europe, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Mr Deeley was elected as a signature member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists in 2004.
See also some earlier paintings by Ken Deeley.