Early artists, CSMA
The artists below were signature members of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists. They have not been in contact with the CSMA for many years, therefore the entries below are for historical purposes only.
Valerie Brouwer, CSMA, FCA

Valerie Brouwer was born in Vancouver and grew up in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. In her artwork, Brouwer conveys her experience of British Columbia’s lush coastal environment. Brouwer’s work has been collected throughout U.S., Canada, Japan and France. Valerie Brouwer regretfully passed away in March 2021.
Ronald Jackson, CSMA

Ronald Jackson was born in Manitoba. He graduated from the Slade School at the University of London and worked as a painter for the United Kingdom, British Columbia, and the Canadian federal government. The artist has painted professionally in every continent and in over 25 countries. Yet, Jackson’s heart is set on the British Columbia coast.
Mark Myers, CSMA, RSMA, F/ASMA

Mark Myers was born in California in 1945 and trained in fine arts in Hong Kong. The artist moved to England and lived off of the Cornish coast in the early ‘70s. Myers’ work has been displayed in exhibitions across North America and Europe. Mr. Myers has made significant illustrative contributions to written works, e.g. John Harland's Seamanship in the age of sail. He served as President of the Royal Society of Marine Artists from 1993 until 1998.
Ronald Okey, CSMA

Ronald N. Okey was born in Northampton, England in 1921. Mr Okey came to Canada in 1949 and began studying fine art in 1957. He established himself as a full-time painter nearly a decade later in 1966. Mr Okey prefers to paint with both a brush and a palette knife.
Marke K. Simmons, CSMA, FCA

Marke K. Simmons was a founding director and original signature member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists in 1983.
Peter Thompson, CSMA, AFCA

Peter Thompson was born in England in 1932 and worked as an art director in advertising. Peter inherited a passion for boats and marine history from his family. He was elected President of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists in 1989.