
Supporting Membership

Your support is extremely important, allowing us to provide year-round exhibition space free of charge to all visitors, to encourage younger and burgeoning painters to benefit from the skills and experience of our signature members, to preserve and maintain several hundred paintings entrusted to our long term care, and to maintain our framing and restoration facilities. Please be generous.

Also available in .pdf format – download here.

Please write to the Secretary or print this page, complete it and post it to the Society at the address given below.

I would like to become a Supporting Member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists and assist in promoting maritime art and history past and present:

  • Fill in the information requested
  • Mail it along with your cheque or money order to:
    Canadian Society of Marine Artists
    The Victory
    205 Main Street
    Picton, ON. K0K 2T0

Please enroll me as a SUPPORTING MEMBER

  • I have enclosed my cheque or money order for $35.00 for Supporting Membership for one year
  • I would like to support CSMA as a DONOR MEMBER. I've enclosed my check for $200
  • I would like to support CSMA as a PATRON MEMBER. I've enclosed my check for $500

Name ________________________________

Address ______________________________

City, Province, Postal Code ________________

Please call (613) 476 1177 or e-mail us for information about Tax Deductions