37th Annual Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists
Opening 21st August 2020
The Naval Marine Archive The Canadian Collection and the Canadian Society of Marine Artists are proud to present the 37th Annual Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists. This exhibition will be held at The Victory gallery, 205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario and will continue through 2020.

New and exciting marine art will be shown. The theme is New Decades and Old Decades. The artwork will use various mediums including watercolour, gouache, oil, acrylic and scrimshaw, and will be on display by many of our well known signature members, including John M. Horton, Ray Warren, Yves Berube, Peter Rindlisbacher, Alan Nakano, Stefan Starenkyj, Jean Leroux, Wesley Lowe, Pim Sekeris, and George Wilkinson
Catalogues will be available for the show giving the background of the artists and their work.
This special exhibition's opening will be 'soft'. The new art work will be on display and you will have the opportunity to see these impressive paintings. We are allowing a smaller number of visitors at one time, to ensure safety to all.
We look forward to welcoming you.