34th Annual Exhibition – 2017

Opened 6th of May 2017
Catch the Wave
This annual exhibition opened on the 6th of May 3-6pm 2017 at the Victory gallery, Naval Marine Achive:the Canadian Collection, 250 Main Street, Picton Ontario. The 37th exhibition would continue onward from the 7th of May untill the end of July.
Works by signature members were exhibited. Those participating were Hamish Berchem, Yves Bérubé, John M. Horton, Jean Leroux, Donald B. Macmillan, Alan Nakano, Lloyd Pretty, Peter Rindlisbacher, Stefan Starenkyj, Ray Warren and, George Wilkinson.
Many used the theme of Catch the Wave to portray new scenes in their artwork through the various mediums including watercolour, gouache, oil, acrylic and scrimshaw. Our visitors enjoyed this new and exciting marine art show.
The full-colour printed catalogue is available, including mailing within Canada, at $7.50; for US and international delivery, some additional postage may be necessary.